Electronics Protection - July/August 2013 - (Page 8)
Diamond Heat-Spreaders: Growth Methods and Applications
Dr. Richard S. Balmer, Principal Scientist
Dr. Daniel J. Twitchen, Chief Technical Officer, Technologies
Thomas Obeloer, Business Development Manager
Dr. Geoff A. Scarsbrook, Technologies R&D Manager
Adrian S. Wilson, Head of Technologies
Element Six
For more than 50 years, synthetic diamond manufactured using
high pressure and high temperature techniques (HPHT) has been
used for abrasive applications, exploiting its extreme hardness and
wear resistance. Over the last 20 years, new methods of growth
based on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) have been commercialized that allow for the cost effective growth of single crystal and
polycrystalline diamond. These methods of synthesis have enabled
the exploitation of diamond’s optical, thermal, electrochemical,
chemical and electronic properties.
Today diamond is used extensively in both the optical and semiconductor industries. This article focuses on the thermal benefits
of diamond, introduces how diamond works as a heat spreader,
presents a summary of growth methods, summarizes some of the
more common applications of diamond (including how to apply it)
and concludes with a view of what we can expect from diamond
in the future. We begin with a summary of how and why diamond
is the best thermal conductor of any solid at room temperature.
How Diamond Works
Diamond is a cubic crystal consisting of covalently bonded
carbon atoms. Many of the extreme properties of diamond are
a direct result of the stiffness of the sp³ bonds forming its rigid
structure together with the low mass of the carbon atoms.
In contrast to a metal where heat is transmitted via free
electrons and high thermal conductivity is associated with high
electrical conductivity, heat transfer in diamond is solely carried
by lattice vibrations, i.e. phonons. Diamond’s extremely strong
inter-atomic bonding gives a rigid lattice with high vibrational
frequencies and thus a high characteristic Debye temperature of
2,220°K. As most applications are well below the Debye temperature, phonon-phonon scattering is small resulting in little impedance for the phonon-mediated heat transport. However, it is the
nature of crystalline materials that any lattice imperfections act
to reduce the thermal conductivity by scattering phonons. Typical imperfections in diamond include point defects such as the
heavier 13°C isotope, nitrogen impurities and vacancies; extended
defects such as stacking faults and dislocations; and 2D defects
such as grain boundaries.
As an element used
purely for thermal management, natural diamond was
used in some early microwave and laser diode devices [1], [2]. However, the
availability, size and cost of
suitable natural diamond
plates limited its penetraFigure 1. Free standing CVD diamond wafer
tion into that market. With
the advent of microwave
assisted CVD polycrystalline diamond with thermal properties
similar to those of type IIa natural diamond (Fig 1) the availability
problem was solved. Today, a range of thermal grades of diamond
are available off the shelf from a number of sources. Since freestanding polycrystalline diamond is grown in large wafers up to
140 mm in diameter (Figure 1), size is no longer limited to single
devices or small arrays, but can extend to arrays many centimeters
across. Consequently, CVD diamond has proven practical, being
built into many devices from the 1990’s onwards.
As shown in Figure 2, TM200 (TM for thermal, 200 refers to
conductivity >2,000
Wm−1 K−1) has a
room temperature
thermal conductivity of 2,200 Wm−1
K−1 exceeding that
of copper by a
factor of five (see
Table 1). Element
Six offers a range
of products so that
the thermal conductivity and costs
Figure 2. Through-plane thermal conductivity
can be tailored
versus temperature measured using the laser flash
to the technical
method for natural type IIa [3], [4], [5] and polyrequirement and
crystalline diamond grades TM200, TM180, TM150
and TM100 grown by microwave assisted CVD.
budget. With a
room temperature
conductivity >1,000 Wm−1K−1 TM100 exceeds ceramic materials
such as aluminium nitride by a factor of four to six.
The thermal performance advantage for the higher grades
improves further below room temperature, with the conductivity increasing dramatically at temperatures down to 100°K. Figure
2 shows that TM180 and TM200 grades exhibit a very similar
trend and performance with temperature as the type IIa natural
diamond. Using characterisation techniques, we have carried out
a detailed analysis of the microstructure of the different grades.
The conductivity of TM100 is fairly insensitive to temperature over
the range studied. The size of the grains in CVD diamond increases
with thickness grown and has a strong influence on conductivity. For CVD diamond with comparable grain size, the point
defect density in both TM100 and TM180 was similar, however
the dislocation density was three orders of magnitude higher in
TM100 compared to TM180. This difference plays a major role
in phonon scattering and has a significant effect on the conductivity. The measured dislocation density for TM180 and TM200
is similar; however the small difference in conductivity at lower
temperatures is explained by the grain size and a five-fold lower
point defect density in the TM200. As will be explored in the next
section, the grain size, purity and dislocations of other growth
techniques vary dramatically with an equally dramatic impact on
thermal performance.
Certain segments of the semiconductor market, for example
power convertors and solid-state RF power amplifiers, are driving
towards higher power densities, increasing the burden on local
thermal management. CVD diamond, with its value proposition of
combining extreme properties such as high thermal conductivity
and electrical isolation, is uniquely positioned to address this need.
Our measurements show that the in-plane versus through-plane
conductivity for microwave assisted CVD diamond is comparable
to the measurement uncertainty and less than 10 percent. Isotropic thermal properties and electrical isolation are important attributes of a heat-spreader material in many thermal applications.
July/August 2013
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electronics Protection - July/August 2013
Electronics Protection - July/August 2013
Newer Technology Releases Next-Generation Power2U AC/USB In Wall Charging Solution
Subzero Engineering Introduces PolarXpress DCiM SaaS Monitoring Solution
Specifiers of Enclosures for Components in Outdoor Applications: Be Aware of Material Selection Issues
Formable Phase Change Materials as Latent Heat Sinks for Portable Electronic Devices
How to Protect Electronic Circuits from Power Surges
Diamond Heat-Spreaders: Growth Methods and Applications
Standards-Based Design & Electronic Packaging Solutions
Reducing Room-Level Bypass Airflow Creates Opportunities to Improve Cooling Capacity and Operating Costs
Harnessing Laboratory Wind Tunnels
New DVR Enclosure with Prepackaged Thermoelectric Cooler
New Silver Conductive Aqueous Based Sodium Silicate System for EMI/RFI Shielding
Citizen and MechaTronix LED Cooling Cooperate On New Generation CitiLED COB’s
Eaton Expands 5P UPS Product Line to Provide Efficient Protection for Any IT Environment
Flex-Block System Puts Free-Standing Enclosures on New Footing
Gore Introduces Acoustic Vent for Protecting Electronic Devices
Industry News
Calendar of Events
Electronics Protection - July/August 2013