FEATURE ARTICLE 2D elements and the coil requires 3D elements. A quick solution is acquired by using "Automatic All" to instruct the mesh generator to decide which parts of the model require 2D or 3D elements. Parametric Analysis Faraday has "Parametric Analysis" to solve a series of models that are variations of a single basic design. The model variations are created during the course of the run according to the range of parameters defined. To solve current problem, a parametric analysis is setup to move the coil outwards automatically from the center in 0.5 mm steps. The objective is to compute the change in the inductance and resistance of the driving-point impedance of the coil (compared to its value over an unflawed portion of the plate) as a function of coil position and compare the computed results to the experimental results. The computed and experimental results are to be compared by plotting the magnitude of each versus coil-center position. Unflawed models are also solved to calculate inductance and resistance through similar parametric set up. Fig. 4 Results Circuit parameters mode Fig. 5 Clearly, the L results are more accurate than the R results. This is because the calculation made by Faraday gives the impedance, and then divides it into real and imaginary parts. In this problem, the phase is approximately 89o, so the relative error is much higher in the real part (resistance) than in the imaginary part (inductance). Fig. 2 In order to see the effect of edge of the model and element density, the plate size is increased by 6 mm and the element density is increased from 1700 to 2300 triangular elements and from 100 to 120 brick elements on plate and coil respectively. The results are shown in figure four and five and are more accurate as compared to results in figure two and three. Fig. 3 Figure two and three shows change in inductance (∆L- mH) and change in resistance (∆R-ohm) for smaller plate with lesser elements. The orange points are the measure data from T.E.A.M 15 and the blue curves are the Faraday 10.1 results. www.MagneticsMag.com Fig. 6 November/December 2019 * Magnetics Business & Technology 11http://www.MagneticsMag.com