Inside this Issue: CONTENT FEATURES & COLUMNS 6 Stromag Designs New Fail-Safe Electromagnetic Brakes for Ships, Harbors and Other Industrial Applications To meet the evolving demands of industrial marine operators handling greater loads at higher speeds, engineers at Stromag started from a clean sheet to design a new line of fail-safe electromagnetic brakes. page 6 10 Solving Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing Benchmark Problem with Integrated Engineering Software's Program Faraday Integrated Engineering Software (IES) is an industry leader to provide user-friendly software programs for various electromagnetic applications. IES's software program Faraday is a 3D time-harmonic eddy current field solver that gives the advantage to meet ECT challenges head on. 18 Scientists Print Magnetic Liquid Droplets to Create a Revolutionary New Material at Berkeley National Lab Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have made a new material that is both liquid and magnetic, opening the door to a new area of science and potential product development in magnetic soft matter. page 10 30 New Survey Technique for Interstellar Magnetic Fields Developed by University of Wisconsin A new, more accessible and much cheaper approach to surveying the topology and strength of interstellar magnetic fields which weave through space in our galaxy and beyond, representing one of the most potent forces in nature, has been developed by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. page 18 DEPARTMENTS 4 18 20 24 28 30 Editor's Choice/ Features Research & Development Product News Industry News Marketplace/ Advertising Index Visions Get more news and features at November/December 2019 * Magnetics Business & Technology 3