&dhZZd/> $FFRUGLQJWR,Q¿QLWXPWKHLQKHUHQWDGYDQWDJHVRILWVPDFKLQH topology are due to several key aspects. The weight of a PCB stator is less than 10% of the weight of a similarly rated conventional iron core wound stator. The PCB stator can support current The PCB construction enables a compact and thin stator structure minimizing the effective airgap, and therefore the magnet mass of the machine. PCB stators are consistently built void-free using a mature and repeatable process independently of operaWRUVNLOOVRUH[SHULHQFHVRXQGHUWKHVDPHYROWDJHDQGWHPperature conditions, PCB stators last up to ten times longer than equivalent copper windings. The motor's PCB-based stators with etched copper wiring eliminate the need for traditional motor stators made with twisted Ƥǯ densities between 3 to 4 times higher than a conventional stator under the same cooling conditions. Rotor eddy current losses DUHQHJOLJLEOHDVWKHPDJQHWLFÀX[DVVHHQE\WKHPDJQHWVDQG back iron, is constant, therefore these machines have very high HI¿FLHQF\DFURVVDZLGHUDQJHRISRZHUDQGVSHHGV ͙Ƥǡǡ ͙ magnetic instrumentation * Magnetizers & Demagnetizers * Production & Prototype Magnetizing Fixtures * Automated Flux Scanners * Hard & Soft Hysteresigraphs * Gaussmeters & Fluxmeters * Helmholtz Coils * KJS Associates™ Measurement Services * ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration * Magnetizing Services * Magnetic Consulting * Prototype Design & Fabrication * FEA Services * Professional Seminars Production Magnetizing Systems Standard & Custom Systems built with Advanced Technologies (317) 842-7500 * MAGINST.COM www.MagneticsMag.com March/April 2020 * Magnetics Business & Technology 9http://www.MAGINST.COM http://www.MagneticsMag.com