Remote - Winter 2012 - (Page 4)
Editor’s Choice
Schneider Electric has introduced new software suites to address the energy management needs of customers in key market segments. The new suites are part of Schneider Electric’s StruxureWare software, the company’s platform of integrated software applications that will help its customers maximize business performance and be more efficient and sustainable. “Executives, facility managers and operations staff are getting hit with unprecedented levels of information from a variety of data sources across their operations every day,” said Pascal Brosset, chief technology officer, Schneider Electric. “The answer is not just more data. StruxureWare enables customers to automatically pull data from control systems, organize it into the relevant information for each function and more importantly, into actionable insight to make better decisions and improve efficiencies. It bridges the gap that many companies have identified today between their existing enterprise and control systems.” StruxureWare software provides simple integration, consistent user experience and a scalable platform across all areas of their organization. The StruxureWare software applications and suites are designed to be integrated within Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure architecture portfolio and can also be used as standalone software tools and services within existing process and building environments. Currently available, StruxureWare for Data Centers is the model for the other suites. It is a management software suite designed to simplify the installation and deployment of power and cooling and provide visibility to all domains that effect the data center environment. It combines previously independent offerings for monitoring, automation, planning and implementation to provide a multifaceted, complete view of all functions of the data center, providing a simple, integrated experience for many users and groups who manage both the facility and IT infrastructure environments. Other StruxureWare suite offerings for segments such as water, healthcare and the utility grid will be introduced during the coming months. Each of these suites contains specific applications to help companies manage and monitor their sustainability initiatives, optimize their current operations and better manage their sites and processes.
Schneider Electric Launches StruxureWare Market Segment Software Suites
Volume 12, Issue 6 Editor & Publisher, David Webster Director of Content, Nick Depperschmidt Senior Editor, Shannon Given Associate Editor, Heather Krier Manager of Administration & Customer Service, Marsha Grillo Fulfillment Services & Circulation Marc Vang, Ross Webster Director of Sales, Jeremy Fleming Advertising, Sales & Marketing Scott Webster, Sue Hannebrink, Robert Schaudt Production Julie Hammond, Production Manager Julie Williams, Office Manager REMOTE SITE & EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT magazine (ISSN #1535-0347) is a publication of Webcom Communications Corp. Subscription price for one year (six issues) is free for qualified subscribers, $44 in the US for non-qualified subscribers; $60 in all other countries. Single copies are $20 each. Back issues are available. Payment must be made in US funds in order to process the order. Direct all subscription inquiries, orders and address changes to Fulfillment Services. Photocopy Rights: Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by REMOTE SITE & EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT for users through Copyright Clearance Center, provided that the base fee of $2.50 per copy of the article, plus $1.00 per page is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA (508) 750-8400. For government and/ or classroom use, the Copyright Clearance Center should be contacted. The rate for this is 3 cents per page. Please specify ISSN # 1535-0347. Reprints: For reprint requests contact Webcom Communications at 800-803-9488 x.111 or © Copyright 2012 Webcom Communications Corp. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Requests for permission should be directed to the customer service manager.
The new Messenger Remote Monitoring Unit from Global Monitoring offers the tools to remotely manage and control assets such as irrigation systems, wells/tanks/reservoirs, poultry farming equipment and livestock, barns, greenhouses, silos, and farm-produced goods by alerting specified personnel of conditions such as energy usage, temperature, power failure and security on a 24/7 basis. Functioning as a dedicated measurement and control device, the Messenger RMU provides for continuous asset management and condition monitoring of various parameters, even from remote locations. Integrating with various sensor types such as data loggers, temperature sensors, soil/moisture sensors and programmable logic controllers, the Messenger RMU monitors conditions such as temperature, flow, water levels and power at any remote, unattended or inaccessible location. Alerts and status reports are sent directly to a cell phone, fax or computer if a condition exceeds specified limits. Outputs from the RMU can also control equipment either automatically or by remote control. Using the remote control capabilities of the Messenger, users can start, stop or reset equipment, reducing the need to dispatch a technician. Various personnel can be assigned with limited password-protected access to verify operations simply by making a phone call. A data logging feature of the Messenger retains detailed historical information of equipment operations and a user interface allows for visualization of historical data and direct downloading to PLCs. Once installed, users can expand usage of the Messenger as the remote monitoring unit is configurable with industry standard 0 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA or dry contact sensors and expandable to 16 inputs.
Global Monitoring’s Remote Monitoring Unit Offers Greater Control Over Agricultural Assets and Operations
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Remote - Winter 2012
Remote - Winter 2012
Editor's Choice
Automated Monitoring Out at the Network Edge
What’s in Your Radio Communication Tackle Box?
When Does Solar Make Sense for Remote Sites?
Utility Networks in Transition
TV White-Space Technology Makes Broadband Affordable for Remote Locations
Challenges of Remote Management over Satellite
SCADA Market: Charting Strong Growth Amidst Industry Speculation
Oniste Power
Environmental Monitoring
Industry News
Remote - Winter 2012