Remote - M2M 2015 - (Page 4)
Editor's Choice
IoT Platform Revenues will Grow to € 2.4 Billion Worldwide in 2020
The global market for third party Internet of Things (IoT) platforms will show solid
growth in the next few years, according to a new research report from the analyst firm
Berg Insight. Total IoT platform revenues are forecasted to grow at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 32.2 percent from € 450 million in 2014 to € 2.4 billion in 2020.
Third party IoT platforms are relatively new in the market and display a great
diversity in terms of functionality and application areas. Broadly speaking, most IoT
platforms fall into one of the following three categories: connectivity management
platforms, device management platforms and application enablement platforms. These
platforms enable companies and organisations to develop and deploy IoT solutions
faster and at lower cost by offering more standardised components that can be shared
across multiple solutions in many industry verticals.
The world of machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is gradually moving from
vertical single purpose solutions to multi-purpose and collaborative applications interacting across industry verticals, organisations and people. It is difficult to make a clear
distinction between M2M and IoT, although the term IoT better describes the evolution
of connected devices, with accelerating scale and scope, as well as higher focus on
interoperable solutions.
"M2M often involves highly customised solutions deployed within single industry
verticals or companies to improve existing business operations", said André Malm,
senior analyst, Berg Insight. IoT puts more emphasis on integration of sensors, devices and information systems across industry verticals and organizations to transform
operations and enable new business models. "IoT focuses on gaining new insights from
analytics based on data from diverse sources to support decision making, and improve
products and services."
Third party IoT platforms enable companies to focus on differentiation created by
unique capabilities and insights from data rather than duplicating non-differentiating
functionality such as connectivity integration, device management, data collection,
storage and analytics.
"In the past, companies have often developed M2M solutions where connected
devices sent data via a network directly to an application that handled data storage
and processing, security and business logic", said Malm. "These solutions normally
required long development cycles and high cost, with little scalability and flexibility to
handle a growing number of devices and evolving functional requirements" added Mr
Malm. Adoption of third party IoT platforms is now growing rapidly. "Awareness of
the product category is increasing at the same time as companies are realising the value
of using a third party platform rather than re-invent the functionality in-house."
Rajant Expands Markets for Private Wireless Network Technology
To address this proliferation of connected people, machines and equipment, Rajant
expanded its flagship private wireless
network technology. Rajant is now expanding the availability of its BreadCrumb LX5
portable wireless mesh network technology
to oil and gas, transportation, municipalities
and other sectors of industry.
Traditional mesh networks are capable in
stable environments. But when organizations require high-levels of mobility, throughput and scalability, kinetic mesh networks like Rajant's have demonstrated added reliability and security.
Rajant BreadCrumb LX5 wireless nodes create a private wireless mesh network
when deployed with other BreadCrumb nodes. The more nodes added to the network,
the more paths for communication are established, a differentiating factor relative to
other networking technologies. The nodes use multiple radios to perform multiple functions concurrently. Each node is independent with full routing capabilities.
"Businesses across industries desire efficiencies in their operations for better
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Remote - M2M 2015
Editor's Choice
Safeguarding the IoT: Putting Security Front and Center
Remote Device Management for the Internet of Things
Not So Remote Any More: Incorporating Wireless Connectivity into Remote Site Equipment for Anytime Access and Greater Control
M2M with HMI
OMG Standards in the Oil & Gas Industry
Internet of Things West Preview
Modern IT Solutions Turn Worry into Confidence
IoT Products and Services
Industry News
Remote - M2M 2015