PE: How would you like to
sum up all these efforts and
their results thus far?
Ratzlaff: the sPE team has pursued this new website for over
a year with a great deal of planning. With a lot of forethought,
they have made a website that
is intuitive to navigate and aesthetically pleasing and still
keeps the rich content that sPE
has always provided, along with
some new additions. What one
does not see is the new engine
of the website which allows sPE
to manage content properly
and allows all the Divisions, sections, and sigs to also manage
their content within the sPE
umbrella. this will provide a
place to get fresh information
on a daily basis.
i am very pleased with the
end product, and with the social
networking system that will
integrate into the website to
allow networking to take place
in our industry all over the
world. Both the website and
social networking system will
give great value to our members and entice non-members
to join. they'll also allow our
sponsors to gain global visibility throughout our industry. i
want to thank our team that
has worked so hard and spent
countless hours and evenings
to get the website and networking system in place.
New SPE membership page
| Plastics EnginEEring | MaY 2014 | |
Plastics Engineering - May 2014
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Plastics Engineering - May 2014