3 REGIONS. 3 D I S T I N C T I V E W I N E S. LODI Z I N FA N D E L FA R M E D I N C A L I F O R N I A' S B E S T G ROW I N G R E G I O N S Over 40 years of Zinfandel exper tise in ever y bot tle Bursting with luscious, juicy black fruits, cocoa, and spice. MENDOCINO Sinfully ripe cherry and cassis with toasty oak, clove, and cardamom. S O NOM A C OU N TY Dense and gutsy with blackberry, vanilla, and baking spice. Please enjoy our wines responsibly. © 2018 Ravenswood Winery, Sonoma, CAhttps://www.ravenswoodwinery.com