WorldView Magazine - Summer 2009 - (Page 22)

et ma dis o n Place your orders early before these great calendars fly off the shelf. Mail photo entries no later than December 31. See ordering information and photo submission details on opposite page. Each calendar—and each new year— present opportunities for gazing back and looking forward. For Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs), this means celebrating and sharing traditions that enrich and shape our lives—traditions that come from all corners of the world through music, stories, dance, food, art, textiles, games, and cultural practices. In today’s fast-paced, technological world, some think traditions impede progress. Our experience suggests that observing these rich traditions provides the inspiration necessary to propel us forward. Indeed, we have discovered there is much to learn from the past and from other traditions as we pursue our goal of creating a more peaceful and just world. In 1987 this vision gave birth to the International Calendar when RPCVs in Madison, Wisconsin imagined how it might further the third Peace Corps goal of “Promoting better understanding of other peoples and cultures on the part of Americans.” Each calendar photo has the potential to catch someone’s eye, to provide inspiration to learn more, to think and feel more deeply about our shared humanity. Since its inception, this project has set a noteworthy tradition of contributing all net proceeds—more than $820,000— to development and education projects. These investments in peace continue to inspire our efforts. Thanks for doing your part! Celebrating rich traditions. A tradition worth keeping. Calendar sales have raised more than $820,000 for community projects since 1988. Among the 72 projects funded last year: • clean water • sanitation projects (latrines or composting toilets) • textbooks and teacher training • building schools, libraries and science labs • beekeeping and business courses • HIV/AIDS education • rural health clinics • fish farming improvements • chicken coops and seed storage • solar panels for medical clinics • community centers A tradition worth starting. Calendars are great fundraisers. Buy calendars in bulk and get in on the benefits: • raise funds for your group while providing needed support to communities around the world • give your customers a year’s worth of information, inspiration and enjoyment • raise awareness and appreciation for cultural diversity and shared human values The International Calendar is a project of the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Madison, Wisconsin. WEBSITE: in 2010 co ce returned peace corps volunteers of wisconsin • madison r ps vol u n t ee rs n ed pe a of wisco ur ns • •r

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of WorldView Magazine - Summer 2009

WorldView Magazine - Summer 2009
More Peace Corps Campaign: Better and Bolder!
Africa Rural Connect
Readers Write
You Too Can Be Bill Gates
Taking Peace Corps Back into the Field
Come for the Information, Stay for the Dancing
A “Green” Community Rising
Microfinance Pioneer Receives 2009 Shriver Award
The Colombia Project
A Voice for the Unheard
Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Microfinance Podcasts
Selected Microfinance Resources
Bicycle! Bamenda! Orange!
Luck and Fame
A Step in the Right Direction
Bringing What She Loves
Letter from Botswana: First Tongues of the Kalahari
Letter from Tanzania: Homo Sapien in Africa
In the Beginning (There Was John)
The Peace Corps Community Making a Difference
Community News
Advertiser Index

WorldView Magazine - Summer 2009