WorldView Magazine - Summer 2009 - (Page 24)

Microfinance SELECTED MICROFINANCE RESOURCES Where to get more information aCCion international: ACCION International gives people the tools they need to work their way out of poverty. By providing “micro” loans and business training to poor women and men who start their own businesses, ACCION’s partner lending organizations help people work their own way up the economic ladder, with dignity and pride. (CgaP) Consultative group to assist the Poor: CGAP is a consortium of 33 public and private development agencies working together to expand access to financial services for the poor in developing countries. FinCa (Fundación internacional para la asistencia Comunitaria) international: FINCA provides financial services to the world’s poorest families so they can create their own jobs, raise household incomes, and improve their standard of living. They deliver these services through a global network of locally managed, self-supporting institutions. While many agencies and organizations provide small loans to low-income families, not all use the village banking method. Developed by FINCA Founder John Hatch, the village banking method is unique in the responsibility and autonomy given borrowers in running their banks and in its emphasis on community, as well as individual, development. grameen Bank: Grameen Bank invented the concept and practice of micro-credit, providing working capital to the poorest of the poor without demanding collateral in order to remove poverty from Bangladesh. The bank has been in operation since 1983 and was founded by Professor Muhammad Yunus. The Microfinance gateway: With over 5,300 documents in their virtual library, the Microfinance Gateway is the most comprehensive source of information for and about the microfinance industry. It includes research and publications, discussion groups, specialized resource centers, organization and consultant profiles, and the latest news, events, and job opportunities in microfinance. Microfinance Management institute: The mission of the Microfinance Management Institute (MFMI) is to advance capacity in microfinance management worldwide. The MFMI was co-founded in July 2003 by the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), a secretariat of the World Bank, and the Open Society Institute (OSI), New York. The Microfinance network: The MicroFinance Network (MFN) is a global association of leading microfinance institutions committed to improving the quality of life of the poor through the provision of credit, savings, and other financial services. Network members believe in applying a commercial approach to the establishment of sustainable financial institutions that reach large volumes of clients who are not served by traditional financial institutions. hEAR YE, hEAR YE Peace Corps Podcasts on Two years ago the National Peace Corps Association and partnered to produce a series of profiles on Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and entreprenership. Visit microfinance/ to listen to these interviews and learn more. • Matt Kopac(Benin 01-03), worked with an agricultural credit union to create a microfinance program for women. • luke Filose (Mauritania 04-05), worked with a microfinance organization giving loans to women’s groups. He later went to Chad to create a supply chain to distribute fuel-efficient cook stoves. 2 Summer 2009 • John Hatch(Colombia 62-64), served as an urban community development volunteer and later went to Peru where he managed an agricultural cooperative. In 1984, he founded FINCA, one of the world’s leading microcredit institutions based on the village-banking model. • Brian Cayce(Turkmenistan 94-96), currently leads the analysis and evaluation of social venture capital investment opportunities for Gray Matters Capital. The investment firm, which he founded, is driven by both social concerns and a profit motive.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of WorldView Magazine - Summer 2009

WorldView Magazine - Summer 2009
More Peace Corps Campaign: Better and Bolder!
Africa Rural Connect
Readers Write
You Too Can Be Bill Gates
Taking Peace Corps Back into the Field
Come for the Information, Stay for the Dancing
A “Green” Community Rising
Microfinance Pioneer Receives 2009 Shriver Award
The Colombia Project
A Voice for the Unheard
Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Microfinance Podcasts
Selected Microfinance Resources
Bicycle! Bamenda! Orange!
Luck and Fame
A Step in the Right Direction
Bringing What She Loves
Letter from Botswana: First Tongues of the Kalahari
Letter from Tanzania: Homo Sapien in Africa
In the Beginning (There Was John)
The Peace Corps Community Making a Difference
Community News
Advertiser Index

WorldView Magazine - Summer 2009