Worldview Magazine - Winter 2007 - (Page 1)

A magazine of news and comment about the Peace Corps world Winter 2007 WORLDVIEW Kevin F. F. Quigley, publisher David Arnold, editor Contributors Volume 20 Number 4 Greg Dorr Ana P. Escalante Sam Farr Sam Goldman Bryon Grant Martin Harvey JoAnna Haugen Melody Jenkins Robert S. Katz Matt Orocz Jonathan Pearson Kevin Quigley omas Strouse Josh Swiller & Wayan Vota WORLDVIEW PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION Technology for all NOTE TO READERS, Page 9 e innovations of science and technology produce devices to astonish us and to serve the world’s desperate poor. How we can deliver these goods to this vast market of the needy remains an unsolved problem. COMMENTARY, PAGE 11 Two authors from the World Resources Institute argue in “Market Power” that big business can make a huge difference in delivering the new tech as long as they can make a profit. Take the cell phone, for example. By Robert S. Katz & Ana P. Escalante LETTER FROM INDIA, Page 13 Sam Goldman graduated from Benin and Stanford to see if he could produce a device that would provide “Unfailing Light” at night in places where the sun shines in the day. COMMENTARY, Page 17 Wayan Vota tracked the progress of the One Lap Top Per Child movement that hopes to put a revolutionary little laptop in the hands of every child who should be in school. He praises the design but faults Nicholas Negroponte’s naive notions for delivery. LETTER FROM BOTSWANA, Page 21 Melody Jenkins met a tourist with some technology expertise and put a Nata village AIDS clinic on the google world map. LETTER FROM HA TEBOHO, Page 26 Matt Orosz took a team of MIT colleagues back to Lesotho to work with some local wizards on the construction of a sustainable solar collector that will produce hot water and electricity for a village and a school. LETTER FROM JUMBI VALLEY, Page 29 How did Greg Dorr get a bunch of beekeepers together to watch seven videos on better ways to harvest honey? Several long hikes and the sure hand of Kondwani. COVER Matt Orosz WorldView 1 WORLDVIEW ADVERTISING Partyke Communications 540 374 9100 WorldView (ISSN 1047-5338) is published quarterly by the National Peace Corps Association to provide news and comment about communities and issues of the world of serving and returned Peace Corps volunteers. WorldView © 1978 National Peace Corps Association. Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. & additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER Pleased send address changes to WorldView magazine National Peace Corps Association 1900 L Street NW, Suite 404 Washington, DC 20036-5002 ADVERTISING Questions regarding advertising should be sent to or Partyke Comunications 1101 Caroline St., Suite 200 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 SUBSCRIPTIONS Magazine subscriptions may be purchased from the National Peace Corps Association by check or credit card. Prices for individuals are $25 and institutions $35 [add $10 for overseas delivery]. Order forms are also available on the NPCA website at www. or www.worldviewmagazine. com EDITORIAL POLICY Articles published in the magazine are not intended to reflect the views of the Peace Corps, or those of the National Peace Corps Association, a nonprofit educational membership organization for those whose lives are influenced by Peace Corps. e NPCA is independent of the federal agency, the Peace Corps. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Letters to the editor are welcomed. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or other illustrations will be considered. e editors prefer written proposals before receiving original material. Send queries or manuscripts to the editor at or by mail to the NPCA address. All inquiries can be addressed to the appropriate person at NPCA by fax at 202 293 7554 or by mail to NPCA, or through the NPCA website at www. or www.worldviewmagazine. com A Maasai herdsman in Kenya’s Amboseli National Park can now check prices on the livestock market with this Samsung cell phone. Photograph taken in 2005 by Martin Harvey and used with Getty Images permission. cour tesy One Laptop Per Child Sam Goldman

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Worldview Magazine - Winter 2007

Worldview Magazine - Winter 2007
President's Note
Lafayette Park
Note to Readers
Letter from India
Letter from Botswana
Letter from Ha Teboho
Letter from Jumbi Valley
Letter from Mununga
Letter from Medellin
Giving Back
Community News

Worldview Magazine - Winter 2007