Connections - September 2009 - 13

of recycled plastic grocery bags. She’s learned about Barbie dolls that have been transformed into foosball pins, electronics into punk rock accessories, and wild plum and black cherry trees specifically grown to be shaped into living outdoor seats that remain in the ground. These innovations remind her why she’s passionate about her business; they’re a series of compact figurative light bulbs that periodically brighten her understanding that if people want to, “buy recycled” they’ll need to be able to find the products she markets for manufacturers. Sure, Lacey has fleeting moments of doubt when she waivers and thinks, “No one is going to buy this stuff. Who is going to want recycled tires for their front yard? Who is going to use recycled glass as mulch? Sometimes I get negative responses, even from family, but I remain undaunted because know in my heart this is where I need to be.” Besides, she won’t quit until there’s zero rubbish left on the planet, and with each person in the world creating 4.4 pounds of waste a day—or nearly a ton of trash annually—her eco-friendly business has a life-long place in the world. n local perspective LAND STEWARD JONATHAN HUNT — EDiTED by LORi bAER — as the sixth generation of hunts to farm their 170acre farm on the western flank of Keuka lake, jonathan hunt, director of wine making at hunt Country vineyards, reuses and recycles as much as possible. he wants to keep the operation environmentally and economically sustainable for many generations to come. “We look at our farming practices with a long view toward sustaining and improving the land for the future,” said hunt. examples of hunt’s stewardship sprout up all over the farm. How Hunt recycles for compost: We mix grape pomace—stems, skins, and seeds left over from pressing grapes—with animal manure, compost the mix and apply it to the vineyards. the compost adds minerals and nutrients to the soil and produces outstanding grapes. Increased nitrogen from the manure also reduces our use of other fertilizers. Hunt’s method for limiting diesel use: In a section of our original 1860’s barn, we’ve built a simple processor to make biodiesel out of used vegetable oil from area restaurants. the fuel powers our tractors instead of conventional diesel. Hunt’s effort to repurpose wind: We plan to install a small vertical-axis wind turbine. the turbine will plug directly into our electric service and generate up to 1.2 kW of electricity. How Hunt supports economic sustainability: yates County remains one of the most agriculturally diverse counties in the country allowing us to source many products we need locally. Hunt’s thought on customer satisfaction: showing our customers we care for our land and our business means a lot. Click to nominate an inspirational business person September 2009 | Connections | 13

Connections - September 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Connections - September 2009

Connections - September 2009
Letter from the Editor
Table of Contents
Passionate Calling
The Bottom Dollar
Spice of Life
Member Directory
Connections - September 2009 - Connections - September 2009
Connections - September 2009 - Letter from the Editor
Connections - September 2009 - Welcome
Connections - September 2009 - Subscribe
Connections - September 2009 - Table of Contents
Connections - September 2009 - Passionate Calling
Connections - September 2009 - 5
Connections - September 2009 - 6
Connections - September 2009 - 7
Connections - September 2009 - 8
Connections - September 2009 - 9
Connections - September 2009 - 10
Connections - September 2009 - 11
Connections - September 2009 - 12
Connections - September 2009 - 13
Connections - September 2009 - The Bottom Dollar
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Connections - September 2009 - 21
Connections - September 2009 - Spice of Life
Connections - September 2009 - 23
Connections - September 2009 - 24
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Connections - September 2009 - 26
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Connections - September 2009 - 28
Connections - September 2009 - Member Directory
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