Connections - October 2009 - 17

appropriate in the world of cyberspace.” Biggerstaff lets his employees know that in regards to social media, he’s not checking up on them, but he said they should be advised that whatever content they put online, has the potential to impact how people may perceive them, and in turn, the company. “I know this can seem like we as a company are now watching all of this and I assure you we aren’t,” said Biggerstaff. He recognizes the staff is all fairly connected via social media outlets, be it Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, or LinkedIn and advises his employees to remember to be good stewards, not only of his brand, but also of their families. He said they’re essentially a microcosm for how people will view their associates, family, friends and the brand where they work. He said “The biggest Nxtbook Media thing to remember is that in some ways you represent your company, even if not mentioned by name, through your actions and deeds, thoughts, feelings. The same way you represent your family and friends. You are a member of the Nxtbook family and make sure you do things that are appropriate in being good stewards of the Nxtbook brand, the customers, and most importantly, the other employees of the company.” Biggerstaff believes he’s lax on social media policies whereas Sullivan, a professional search consultant that specializes in finding professionals in the field of engineering, electronics, and energy and power, said some social media content has the potential to give a her pause. Click here to check out a chart to see what gives other businesses pause and click here to see a list of businesses participating in the use of social media to find employees. In Sullivan’s particular field, she doesn’t often run into clients who post questionable content online. “I reference check thoroughly,” said Sullivan. “I definitely Google people and use Facebook and Twitter. In today’s challenging economic climate where people are desperate for jobs, companies come to me to help find the top-notch talent. I need to know as much as I possibly can about a client so I can make the best decision possible for a long-term relationship. I definitely use Facebook, but not Myspace because I’m dealing with people who are 30 plus and they don’t use that specific type of social media so much. I use LinkedIn, though. I want to find as much as I possibly can so I can have an inside pulse. I look for good cultural matches as far as academic and experience for long-term fits.” Sullivan tries to be objective, but some August 2009 | Connections | 17

Connections - October 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Connections - October 2009

Connections - October 2009
Letter from the Editor
Table of Contents
Passionate Calling
The Bottom Dollar
Spice of Life
Member Directory
Connections - October 2009 - Connections - October 2009
Connections - October 2009 - Letter from the Editor
Connections - October 2009 - Welcome
Connections - October 2009 - Subscribe
Connections - October 2009 - Table of Contents
Connections - October 2009 - Passionate Calling
Connections - October 2009 - 5
Connections - October 2009 - 6
Connections - October 2009 - 7
Connections - October 2009 - 8
Connections - October 2009 - 9
Connections - October 2009 - 10
Connections - October 2009 - 11
Connections - October 2009 - The Bottom Dollar
Connections - October 2009 - 13
Connections - October 2009 - 14
Connections - October 2009 - 15
Connections - October 2009 - 16
Connections - October 2009 - 17
Connections - October 2009 - 18
Connections - October 2009 - 19
Connections - October 2009 - Spice of Life
Connections - October 2009 - 21
Connections - October 2009 - 22
Connections - October 2009 - 23
Connections - October 2009 - 24
Connections - October 2009 - 25
Connections - October 2009 - 26
Connections - October 2009 - Member Directory
Connections - October 2009 - D2
Connections - October 2009 - D3
Connections - October 2009 - D4
Connections - October 2009 - D5
Connections - October 2009 - D6
Connections - October 2009 - D7
Connections - October 2009 - D8
Connections - October 2009 - D9
Connections - October 2009 - D10
Connections - October 2009 - D11
Connections - October 2009 - D12
Connections - October 2009 - D13
Connections - October 2009 - D14
Connections - October 2009 - D15
Connections - October 2009 - D16
Connections - October 2009 - D17
Connections - October 2009 - D18
Connections - October 2009 - D19
Connections - October 2009 - D20
Connections - October 2009 - D21
Connections - October 2009 - D22
Connections - October 2009 - D23
Connections - October 2009 - D24
Connections - October 2009 - D25
Connections - October 2009 - D26
Connections - October 2009 - D27
Connections - October 2009 - D28
Connections - October 2009 - D29
Connections - October 2009 - D30
Connections - October 2009 - D31
Connections - October 2009 - D32
Connections - October 2009 - D33