Connections - October 2009 - 19

material online. It comes down to personal maturity. However, if I had to make a blanket statement, I find oftentimes people over 30 tend not to live their private life online because they know it’s the risk you take when you expose yourself in a work situation,” said Sullivan. Once the potential hires begin working at their new company, Sullivan said it’s no longer her decision, but the company with who she’s placed the candidate to discern what’s appropriate to go online. “I think if an employee is doing a great job, then why would you want to delve into their profile online? But if suddenly their work is dying, then an employer would have concern and I could see why they’d look online. I think the most important thing would be to talk to the employee first before going through their social media because if you just go poking around, it could have negative consequences,” said Sullivan. In all, Smith, Biggerstaff, and Sullivan realize that the hard and fast rule for potential hires and social media hinges on whether or not the candidate is in a protected class. Other than that, what goes online stays online. Social media postings are wholly subjective in the world of business. n local perspective Practical adViSOr karen a. SPrinGmeier — edited by lOri baer — Karen a. Springmeier, executive director of Finger lakes Workforce Investment board, Inc., believes social media sites make good personal reference tools for learning about new hires. In many cases, Springmeier sees the same social media tools benefiting employers while also benefiting employees. She finds job seekers use the sites to increase networking opportunities, share resumes and acquire job-search tips. because both positives and negatives can surface from social media sites, Springmeier advises a careful balance between personal and professional worlds. Springmeier’s opinion on relevance of employee private life to professional life: people have a right to privacy in their lives. however, if people post information on Facebook or MySpace without privacy controls, the information becomes available to the world—including any potential employer. Springmeier’s thoughts on employer’s use of social media during recruitment: employers cannot ask personal questions during interviews. If personal information appears on any social media site, however, employers must realize they need to deal with whatever reality they find. why Springmeier recommends social media policies: Most employers have computer and e-mail policies on personal use. I think these should be updated to include use of social media sites. While it may be difficult for employers to monitor usage, software exists to monitor employees Internet use. If misuse or abuse occurs, the situation becomes a disciplinary issue. Springmeier’s current business needs: public relations and marketing. Click to recommend a financial solution August 2009 | Connections | 19

Connections - October 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Connections - October 2009

Connections - October 2009
Letter from the Editor
Table of Contents
Passionate Calling
The Bottom Dollar
Spice of Life
Member Directory
Connections - October 2009 - Connections - October 2009
Connections - October 2009 - Letter from the Editor
Connections - October 2009 - Welcome
Connections - October 2009 - Subscribe
Connections - October 2009 - Table of Contents
Connections - October 2009 - Passionate Calling
Connections - October 2009 - 5
Connections - October 2009 - 6
Connections - October 2009 - 7
Connections - October 2009 - 8
Connections - October 2009 - 9
Connections - October 2009 - 10
Connections - October 2009 - 11
Connections - October 2009 - The Bottom Dollar
Connections - October 2009 - 13
Connections - October 2009 - 14
Connections - October 2009 - 15
Connections - October 2009 - 16
Connections - October 2009 - 17
Connections - October 2009 - 18
Connections - October 2009 - 19
Connections - October 2009 - Spice of Life
Connections - October 2009 - 21
Connections - October 2009 - 22
Connections - October 2009 - 23
Connections - October 2009 - 24
Connections - October 2009 - 25
Connections - October 2009 - 26
Connections - October 2009 - Member Directory
Connections - October 2009 - D2
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