Connections - October 2009 - 25

ELLO ally quaffs at a local watering hole “and talks about whatever. People can introduce themselves and look for funding for future products,” he said. The watering hole serves as the informal aspect of the Meetup. The fascinating idea about Meetups such as New Tech Meetup of Central PA is that the same forum works everywhere, from large business and technology communities in San Francisco to New York to small, niche communities in rural areas in Central Pennsylvania. name is “Although we’re not Silicon Valley, our area isn’t too small for this kind of Meetup,” said Caddell. “I’ve learned the more I’ve dug in right where I am, the more I learn there’s a vibrant community right in my own neighborhood. There are movers and shakers at all levels of Meetup.” Caddell has met a vibrant community of techies in his own backyard, and Babcock has used the platform to reach further into the Colorado community. In all, both businesspeople have learned the best solutions are oftentimes in our own backyard just waiting to be discovered. Thanks to Heiferman, you too can connect with more than 179,000 monthly rendezvous that can propel your business forward. Click here to get connected. n local perspective tHe Friendly quilter naOmi laPP — edited by lOri baer — like Meetup, quilting bees rose from necessity. as cold weather, a wedding or a birth approached, women came together to help make quick work of the otherwise time-consuming quilting process. as they stitched, they chatted, socialized and built friendships. naomi lapp, head quilter at the Quilt room, practices the art of making quilts, a tradition passed down from grandmother to mother to daughter. lapp witnesses a decline in quilting bees. however, a shared interest in quilting still builds comradery among her customers and fellow quilters. How lapp’s quilts connect people to the Penn yan community: I have local Mennonite and amish ladies collaborate to work exclusively by hand with tiny stitches to quilt and appliqué the quilts we sell. why quilting bees might be part of lapp’s future: I hold a dream for my business to expand our building to allow for quilting classes and a chance for people to gather and quilt together. lapp’s family memory of quilting “meet-ups”: I remember my grandmother always having a quilt in frame. My aunts—all the sisters—would get together to help each other make a quilt for the winter or if a child needed a blanket. what lapp needs most in her business venture: I need the friendships of customers, vendors and the quilting community; those friendships make up my social circle. I value those personal connections more than business. Click to recommend a savvy business tip August 2009 | Connections | 25

Connections - October 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Connections - October 2009

Connections - October 2009
Letter from the Editor
Table of Contents
Passionate Calling
The Bottom Dollar
Spice of Life
Member Directory
Connections - October 2009 - Connections - October 2009
Connections - October 2009 - Letter from the Editor
Connections - October 2009 - Welcome
Connections - October 2009 - Subscribe
Connections - October 2009 - Table of Contents
Connections - October 2009 - Passionate Calling
Connections - October 2009 - 5
Connections - October 2009 - 6
Connections - October 2009 - 7
Connections - October 2009 - 8
Connections - October 2009 - 9
Connections - October 2009 - 10
Connections - October 2009 - 11
Connections - October 2009 - The Bottom Dollar
Connections - October 2009 - 13
Connections - October 2009 - 14
Connections - October 2009 - 15
Connections - October 2009 - 16
Connections - October 2009 - 17
Connections - October 2009 - 18
Connections - October 2009 - 19
Connections - October 2009 - Spice of Life
Connections - October 2009 - 21
Connections - October 2009 - 22
Connections - October 2009 - 23
Connections - October 2009 - 24
Connections - October 2009 - 25
Connections - October 2009 - 26
Connections - October 2009 - Member Directory
Connections - October 2009 - D2
Connections - October 2009 - D3
Connections - October 2009 - D4
Connections - October 2009 - D5
Connections - October 2009 - D6
Connections - October 2009 - D7
Connections - October 2009 - D8
Connections - October 2009 - D9
Connections - October 2009 - D10
Connections - October 2009 - D11
Connections - October 2009 - D12
Connections - October 2009 - D13
Connections - October 2009 - D14
Connections - October 2009 - D15
Connections - October 2009 - D16
Connections - October 2009 - D17
Connections - October 2009 - D18
Connections - October 2009 - D19
Connections - October 2009 - D20
Connections - October 2009 - D21
Connections - October 2009 - D22
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Connections - October 2009 - D24
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