Reviewers' Information Pack - (Page 13)
Reviewers’ Information Pack Supporting the Peer Review Process 6. LISTENING TO OUR REVIEWERS 6.1 Reviewer Feedback Programme We regularly survey reviewers to get a better understanding of your needs and how we’re doing when it comes to meeting them. You may have been asked to complete our Reviewer Feedback Programme online survey, which includes questions about: reviewers’ overall satisfaction, their willingness to review again, the perceived reputation of the journal, interaction between the journal editor and publisher, and the quality and relevance of the article reviewed. Findings from the Reviewer Feedback Programme help us to improve the reviewing experience. For example 90% of reviewers said they would like to be able to see the final decision and other reviewers’ comments on a paper, so we added this functionality to EES. Editors are now able to switch on this functionality should they choose to do so. 6.2. Reviewers Home Reviewers’ Home – - provides practical information for reviewers including resources to expedite this often time-consuming process. The site includes: Editors’ advice. One of the most useful features is the ‘Advice from editors’ section, where reviewers receive specific advice direct from Editors. Top answers. The ‘FAQ’ section contains a large amount of detailed information to satisfy many queries. If however, you cannot find the answer to your question here, there’s a link to live (online) support. Quick reference. Many reviewers have questions about statistics, reviewers can use the quick-reference guide presented in these pages to help them address the most common issues encountered in scientific and medical papers. Portal. Useful links to other web resources, including Sense about Science and the Council of Science Editors can also be found on these pages. Policy and procedures. In addition to general information about peer review, the new pages outline the Elsevier-specific peerreview policy, and how EES works. What is it? The Reviewer Feedback Programme monitors Elsevier’s performance from the perspective of reviewers on Elsevier journals. We’ll ask you about various aspects of EES and other aspects of reviewing via an online survey. Areas of interaction and support are measured and reported regularly. Elsevier’s performance is benchmarked against that of other publishers. Using Reviewers’ feedback Elsevier takes reviewers’ opinions seriously and the results and comments from this program are fed back into the company to help improve the reviewing process in terms of technology, sharing of information with reviewers, pre-screening of papers to make sure they are appropriate and of at least a minimum standard of English and minimising the administrative work reviewers are faced with so they can focus on the task of reviewing Newsletter: Reviewers’ Update We also produce a Reviewers’ Update, a free quarterly newsletter aimed specifically at reviewers. News, commentary, and debate about peer review will feature. Reviewers can sign up for this eupdate (and enter the drawing to win an iPod) on the Reviewers’ Home page. 13
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Reviewers' Information Pack
Reviewers' Information Pack
About Elsevier
1.1 A Short History of Elsevier
About Peer Review
2.1. What is Peer Review?
2.2. Who Are Reviewers?
2.3. Why Reviewers Review?
2.4. Peer Review Process
2.5. Types of Peer Review
Duties of Reviewers
3.1. Contribution to Editorial Decisions
3.2. Promptness
3.3. Confidentiality
3.4. Standards of Objectivity
3.5. Acknowledgement of Sources
3.6. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
3.7. Adherence to Elsevier Publishing Ethics
Peer Review System
4.1. The EES
4.2. Tools to Help
Supporting Our Reviewers
5.1. Customer Front End
Listening to our Reviewers
6.1 Reviewer Feedback Programme
6.2. Reviewers’ Home
A Brief Guide to Reviewing
7.1. Purpose of Peer Review
7.2. On Being Asked To Review
7.3. Conducting The Review
7.4. Communicating Your Report To The Editor
Reviewers' Information Pack