unit 3: Community Story collaborative activity: peer editing (10-20 minutes) oBJECtiVE: StuDentS WILL PeeR-eDIt communIty StoRy FIRSt DRAFtS. Pair students who are finished with their first drafts from Lesson 15. Have them read and evaluate one another's community Stories. use the Peer Editing Checklist, or create your own. independent practice: revising and editing (10-20 minutes) oBJECtiVE: StuDentS WILL ReVISe AnD eDIt A FInAL communIty StoRy. Ask students to write a final draft of their stories. Allow students as much time as possible to work in class. circle the room offering help and support as needed. If there is time, have students type their community Story final drafts. summary: next steps (5 minutes) oBJECtiVE: StuDentS WILL FInALIZe tHeIR communIty StoRIeS. Let students know that their final stories should be complete and ready to be read aloud. Refer to the Community Story rubric (Lesson 15) again to remind students of the requirements for this project. LeSSon 16: ADDInG HeARtBeAt 147