LAUNCH GRADE 10: SPEAK UP! lesson 17: community storytelling event outcome: Students share their final community stories. OBJECTIVES * Practice reading aloud. * Review expectations for engaging read-alouds. * Read community stories aloud. * Reflect on unit's learning. ASSESSMENT * Final community Stories * Reflection MATERIALS NEEDED * Selected read-alouds * FInAL community Stories * Community Story and read-Aloud rubric (one per student) from Lesson 15 * " Community Storytelling Event " handout PREPARATION * Write the following tones on note cards for use in the motivation: bored, proud, angry, scared, silly. * Decide who will attend your Community Storytelling Event - will it be just your class? An event for the entire 10th grade? Do you invite parents? lesson outline 1. Motivation 2. Direct Instruction 3. Collaborative Activity 4. Independent Practice 5. Summary Reflection Tell one thing you learned about your community in Unit 3. How can this knowledge help you understand how your community can support you? How does it help you understand how to positively advocate for your community to outsiders? listen up! (10 minutes) engaging read-alouds (5 minutes) storytelling event (10-40 minutes) reflection (10 minutes) reflection (5 minutes) 152 LeSSon 17: communIty StoRyteLLInG eVent