STUDENT HANDOUT LAUNCH GRADE 10: SPEAK UP! my skill building goals DIRECTIONS: Create three specifi c and measurable goals for transferable skills you would like to develop or activities you would like to get involved in over the next few years. Then, identify action steps you can take to meet those goals before the end of your senior year. GOAL #1: ____________________________________________________________ Action Step: WHEN will you do this? GOAL #2: ____________________________________________________________ Action Step: WHEN will you do this? GOAL #3: ____________________________________________________________ Action Step: WHEN will you do this? COLLEGE CAREER CONNECTION Getting involved in high school can not only help you develop transferable skills and connect to your community, but it can also make you a better candidate for colleges and careers after graduation. Get involved today, and you'll be glad you did tomorrow! LESSON 22: DEVELOPING TRANSFERABLE SKILLS 206 LeSSon 22: deveLoPing trAnSferAbL Property of PeerForward/© 2022 PeerForward; All Rights Reserved. SkiLLS