LAUNCH GRADE 10: SPEAK UP! what do i do after the trip? * Debrief with the class. Students will generally have many questions and comments about the experiences. Students who are on a college campus for the first time tend to have strong reactions to things including the cafeteria food, the size of the dorm rooms, the attractiveness of the student body, etc. Allow students to share their gut reactions, but be sure to steer the conversation back to their college and career planning: Could you see yourself at this school? If not, what type of school would be better for you? * Schedule more college trips to different types of campuses to help all students find a place where they feel they could fit in. * Maintain a relationship with the admissions office at the college to book future trips or to give recommendations for your students if they end up applying there. 268 LESSon 28: CoLLEgE BRAnDIng AnD MARKEtIng