LAUNCH GRADE 10: SPEAK UP! lesson procedure motivation: yard sale pitch (5-10 minutes) oBJeCtiVe: StUDEntS WILL pRACtICE A pRofESSIonAL SALES pItCH. Have students get in groups of 3-4. give each small group of students one of the assorted " yard sale " items that you gathered before class. Allow them 5 minutes to prepare a brief commercial for how they would try to sell the item to their classmates. Invite each small group to display their item at the front of the class and try to sell it. they can talk about why the item is useful, what nontraditional purposes the item might have (these erasers could also make beautiful earrings!), or what a bargain they are offering. After all the groups have presented, ask students if the commercials were compelling. Do they think they could get any buyers for their yard sale items? direct instruction: welcome and setting expectations (10 minutes) oBJeCtiVe: StUDEntS WILL pREpARE foR tHE MoCK CoLLEgE fAIR EVEnt. Let students know that the way they hawked the yard sale items today is equivalent to how colleges sometimes try to sell themselves to prospective students. Students need to approach the college process knowing exactly what they are looking for, or else they might end up at a school that isn't the right fit. Remind students that today, they will be sharing their College posters with the class during the Mock College fair. Reiterate that the purpose of the college fair is to " sell " the college they researched to the class. the sales pitch techniques they identified in the Motivation will come in handy today. give each student three copies of the College Fair Worksheet. their job today will be to evaluate the college posters of their classmates using these worksheets. they should try to visit at least three of their classmate's " booths " before time is up. give them several minutes to read over the worksheet and ask any questions they might have. give a few minutes before beginning the activity for students to do any last minute preparation. Remind them that they will need: * A completed College fair poster * A sales pitch to recite to other students in the class that will appeal to their concerns and deciding factors * to present professionally * to arrive on time If time remains, have students practice their sales pitches with a partner until your guests arrive or you are ready to begin. 284 LESSon 30: MoCK CoLLEgE fAIR EVEnt