unit 1: 10th GrAde Action PlAn lesson 5: making a plan outcome: Students identify and prioritize action steps necessary to meet goals. OBJECTIVES * break a simple task down into a series of action steps. * define action plan and explain how to break a more complex task down into manageable steps. * Practice articulating and prioritizing action steps. * Create a draft of an action plan to meet three of their academic goals. ASSESSMENT * 10th Grade Action Plan drAFt * reflection MATERIALS NEEDED * Peanut butter, jelly, bread, and a knife for the Motivation (or other supplies for another simple task such as tying your shoes or alphabetizing a set of books from the classroom library by author's last name) * Sample PB & J Action Steps * Sentence strips or large note cards for the Motivation and the Collaborative Activity * " Making a Plan " handout. * " Action Planning " handout. PREPARATION * gather supplies you need to deliver the Motivation and lay them out on a table at the front of the classroom. lesson outline 1. Motivation 2. Direct Instruction 3. Collaborative Activity 4. Independent Practice 5. Summary Reflection What barriers might you encounter in trying to meet your action plan? Where can you turn to for support? peanut butter jelly time (10-20 minutes) what is an action plan? (5 minutes) action steps brainstorm (10 minutes) action planning time (10-20 minutes) reaching our goals (5-10 minutes) lESSon 5: MAKing A PlAn 37