PEERFORWARD NAVIGATOR STUDENT HANDOUT paying for your postsecondary plan There are many diff erent ways to get money for college, a training program, or life on your own. Most young people use a combination of fi nancial aid, along with personal and family contributions, to pay for their postsecondary plan. FINANCIAL AWARENESS Your Student Aid Index, or SAI, is the number which schools and programs use to determine how much fi nancial aid you will need. Your SAI is determined by the answers you provide on your FAFSA form, and it takes into account both your and your parent's/ guardian's: * income * family size * special circumstances * expenses * family situation * investments and savings * number of siblings in college BIG IDEA Spending money on your education is a smart investment, because your education will never depreciate in value and will increase your earning potential over time. BIG IDEA In order to cover the fi nancial costs of pursuing your postsecondary plan, you will need to use a combination of fi nancial aid and personal and family contributions. 228 lesson 14: Your Financial aid action LESSON 14: YOUR FINANCIAL AID ACTION PLAN Property of PeerForward/© 2024 PeerForward; All Rights Reserved.