UNIT 5: AdAPT Lesson Outline STEP 1: Time Management: Finding Balance and Time Management Quiz STEP 2: Transition Skills: Managing a Postsecondary Schedule and Time Management 101 STEP 3: Transition Skills: Strategies for Time Management STEP 4: Time Management: Finding Balance and My Postsecondary Time Management Plan saMPle eDuCaTor PaCing guiDe CLASS MEETINGS 1x/week 2x/week 3x/week 4+ DAY ONE Steps 1-4 Steps 1-2 Steps 1-2 Steps 1-2 DAY TWO X Steps 3-4 Steps 3-4 Steps 3-4 DAY THREE X X Lesson Extension Lesson Extension DAY FOUR X X X Lesson Extension HOMEWORK/IND WORK None None None None reminders: > Mar 1st: Absolute last deadline for most 2- and 4-year colleges > Apr 1st: Colleges will let students know of their admissions decisions by today > Remind students that if they take the SAT or ACT after December, their scores will NOT reach colleges in time for Fall admission deadlines. > Don't forget to register for the SAT and/or ACT: SAT: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register ACT: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/ warm-up and motivation direct instruction and whole group discussion whole group discussion and collaborative activity independent work and summary (10-20 minutes) (5-10 minutes) (10-15 minutes) (10-20 minutes) (5-20 minutes) lesson 23: Managing Your TiMe 343http://sat.collegeboard.org/register http://www.actstudent.org/regist/