PEERFORWARD NAVIGATOR STEP 7: Articulate a postsecondary plan that summarizes the steps toward a career path. STUDENT HANDOUT my postsecondary plan It's time to put all the pieces together - you know what your mission is in life, you have an idea of a career you might like, and you know the steps it's going to take to get a well-paying job that fi ts your interests and strengths. All that's left to do is to lay out the plan you will follow to get there. Identify your ultimate, long-term, and intermediate goals in the chart below. My Postsecondary Plan Ultimate Goal (My Personal Mission Statement - 20-30 years from now): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Long-term Goal (My career in 10-15 years): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Intermediate Steps (between high school graduation and 10 years in the future): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Step 1 (Check your next step): ❏ on-the-job training ❏ military service ❏ an apprenticeship program ❏ a trade or technical education program ❏ a certifi cate program ❏ a 2-year Associate degree program ❏ a 4-year Bachelor's degree program WHEN: AFTER HS GRADUATION Circle One: Formal Informal Step 2: WHEN: ________________________________________________________ Circle One: Formal Informal Step 3: WHEN: ________________________________________________________ Circle One: Formal Informal Step 4: WHEN: ________________________________________________________ Circle One: Formal Informal Step 5: WHEN: ________________________________________________________ Circle One: Formal Informal LESSON 2: YOUR POSTSECONDARY PLAN 38 lesson 2: Your PostsecondarY PlanProperty of PeerForward/© 2022 PeerForward; All Rights Reserved. BIG IDEA Your postsecondary plan is the outline you will follow through your career path. As your interests and lifestyle change, your postsecondary plan will change as well. Today, you should identify the fi rst step on your postsecondary plan: What will you do after high school graduation to begin working toward your career path goals?