PEERFORWARD NAVIGATOR STUDENT HANDOUT When: During Registration and the First Few Days of Class Need it? Action Step: Read your syllabi and decide whether the class is for you. Register. Drop/Add. Attend a work-study or job fair. Conduct a search for a part-time job. Go to the campus bookstore; buy books for fi rst semester. Shop for used books online. Shop for supplies and special items at the campus store. OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: When: First Semester/During the First Few Months of Class/Work Need it? Action Step: Visit the Career Services offi ce or website to explore its resources. Visit the writing center to get help on your fi rst big paper or project. Visit the tutoring center to get help on your fi rst big test. Keep a running balance of your income and expenses as you use your new checking and savings account. Reconcile your bank statement monthly to check for mistakes or errors. Protect your online banking identity. Use your credit card wisely, for emergencies only. Pay your minimum monthly payment plus whatever you can aff ord each month to pay down your credit card balances. Maintain a healthy level of debt. Order a free copy of your credit report each year to check for errors and identity theft. OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: LESSON 32: YOUR TRANSITION PLAN 474 lesson 32: Your TransiTion Plan Property of PeerForward/© 2022 PeerForward; All Rights Reserved. Lesson Lesson 28 Lesson 28 Lesson 28 Lesson 31 Lesson 31 Lesson 31 Lesson 31 Lesson 31 Lesson 31 Lesson 31 Time frame/ Deadline: Lesson Lesson 29 Lesson 29 Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 20 Lesson 30 Lesson 30 Lesson 30 Time frame/ Deadline: