SPREAD THE WORD! BEFORE REBUILDING ... bringing new life to an older home Temporary Stewards after disaster Personalizing a Classic Beauty DIGITAL EDITION NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE nt professionals featuring local home improveme Metzler Home Builders (Spotlight Hanselman Landscape & Gardens Kreider Canvas Service, Inc. & Cover) featuring local home improvement professionals featuring local home improveme nt professionals Duff Builders, Inc. (Spotlight & Cover) Haller Enterprises, Inc. WINTER 2020 SUMMER 2020 Garman Builders (Spotlight & Cover) Metzler Home Builders FALL 2020 Uh Oh... another distressed do-it-yourselfer. #1. It's NEVER as easy as they make it look. #2. It takes way longer than they say. In addition to being printed, R&A Magazine is now available in a full-scale DIGITAL edition complete with advertiser links (phone & website) directly from each ad. Check it out and forward the link to your family and friends! www.RandAMagazine.com coming events OCT 24-NOV 1 2020 Parade of Homes more info on page 14 www.LancasterParadeofHomes.com OCT (and beyond!) Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month The ULTIMATE in home improvement. A new addition without any sawdust. Available in an assortment of sizes and colors. 50 - R&A MAGAZINE - FALL 2020 #3. You seldom have the right tools (let alone the skills to use them). #4. It's messier than they make it look...a lot messier! #5. What seemed like a fun project quickly isn't. #6. If it actually gets finished, chances are so is your marriage. #7. And even though you have the satisfaction to say that YOU DID IT!..most are too embarrassed with the end product to admit it. Stay happy and get it done right. HIRE A PROFESSIONALhttp://www.RandAMagazine.com http://www.LancasterParadeofHomes.com