BUILDERS, INC BUILDERS, INC DISTINCTIVE HOMES // RESIDENTIAL REFINEMENTS // BUSINESS FACILITIES From generation to generation... building dreams for over 60 years! BEFORE Uh Oh... another distressed do-it-yourselfer. #1. It's NEVER as easy as they make it look. AFTER #2. It takes way longer than they say. #3. You seldom have the right tools (let alone the skills to use them). #4. It's messier than they make it look...a lot messier! #5. What seemed like a fun project quickly isn't. #6. If it actually gets finished, chances are so is your marriage. #7. And even though you have the satisfaction to say that YOU DID IT!..most are too embarrassed with the end product to admit it. Stay happy and get it done right. HIRE A PROFESSIONAL building dreams for over 60 years! From generation to generation... Lancaster, Pa · 717.393.7273 · PA001875 New Homes ▪ Additions ▪ Renovations ▪ Basements ▪ Historical ▪ Commercial Lancaster, Pa · 717.393.7273 · PA001875 New Homes ▪ Additions ▪ Renovations ▪ Basements ▪ Historical ▪ Commercial R&A MAGAZINE - SUMMER 2021 - 7