R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 38
Complete home improvement specialists!
New Construction
117 W. Main Street, Leola
For All Your Construction Needs
To my delight, I recently started noticing advertisements from a company named Vintage Wood
& Forged Iron that sells reclaimed barnwood
and hardware. With a renovation project in our
plans in which we'd like to incorporate some
local, vintage features, what's the best way to
shop at their facility?
Our showroom is where we display a few of our finished
ideas-such as reclaimed hand-hewn beams for fireplace
mantels and various reclaimed ironworks. But what lies
beyond our showroom walls is our lumberyard-where the
hunt continues. When a customer calls or, better yet, pays
us a call, that's when we shine. We've got one of those
shops that you have to stop by from time to time just to
see what's turned up from a recent barn demolition.
This is " the hunting effect. " If you love a good hunt, you'll
love our shop. With our constantly churning inventory, you
might want to plug us into your GPS and stop by often.
The most popular question I receive from customers is
" Do you know where all of this comes from? "
I am always excited when I have an answer! We don't
always know a lot about where our reclaimed materials
come from or how they were used, but if we do, we love
recording the information and passing it along to our
customers. Reclaimed wood and iron and the history they
bring to light can be the start of a new story in your home.
Who doesn't point to the pencil marks on the pantry door
that measured your growing children throughout the
years? Recently, we received a truckload of reclaimed
wood covered with newspaper from the early 1900s. After
a little digging, we discovered that newspaper was often
used as a form of insulation; although, there is talk that
the newspaper may have served as wallpaper, too.
Other questions I often hear include " What types of
products do you have? " and " Which wood species do you
offer? "
The reclaimed barnwood and hardware aesthetic is a
design trend that is here to stay. There's no denying the
popularity of hardwood flooring, but the warmth, character, and durability of reclaimed barnwood flooring are truly
unparalleled. We typically offer pine, hemlock, hickory,
white oak, and red oak flooring, and we'll go to great
lengths to secure chestnut in particular, as the American
chestnut tree that once blanketed the East Coast was all
but killed off by the chestnut blight of the early 1900s.
We offer unique woods at affordable prices, with kiln drying available to remove moisture, stains, and bugs.
While there is plenty of reclaimed barnwood and hard-
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of R&A Magazine - Spring 2021
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 1
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 2
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 3
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 4
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 5
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 6
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 7
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 8
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 9
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 10
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 11
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 12
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 13
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 14
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 15
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 16
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 17
R&A Magazine - Spring 2021 - 18
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