R&A Magazine - Summer 2020 - 8
remodeling priorities
things to consider
Although it's always possible to spend
the same amount on either project,
a kitchen remodel can normally cost
about 30% more than most bath remodels, when comparing one to one.
So the question is, how much are you
willing to spend and where do you think
you'll get the most for your money?
Most homeowners can do without a
kitchen for an extended period of time.
Sometimes we are even looking for a
good excuse to eat out. But, what will
you do without your bathroom for a period of time - especially if you only have
one. Although the Haller team does
everything possible to work with you to
minimize any disruption in your home,
it's still important to understand the
plan and any limitations you may have.
Do you have a time limit? It's important to consider that the average bath
remodel takes about 2 weeks while an
average kitchen remodel is about a
month. So, if you are tight on time, then
a bathroom remodel might be right up
your alley. Get a beautiful bathroom, in
a shorter amount of time which will be
sure to make a bang.
Best for Resale
If you are talking to a realtor then you
already know, kitchens are the "Heart of
the Home" and definitely earn the highHaller Enterprises
est returns after a remodel. As a matter of fact, many people in the home
sales business will tell you that the
kitchen sells the home. Besides, this is
where you spend your time, right? Why not make
ouldn't we all love to do a complete
this the dream spot where you, your family and
kitchen and bath remodel? Or, perfriends can enjoy yourselves for years to come.
haps some other upgrades that are on
our endless to-do list? Between all the
great design shows we can catch on TV and the
fabulous spreads we find in magazines, our eyes
In a nutshell, kitchen remodels are definitely
are often bigger than our wallets, thus forcing us
the most invasive, cost the most in terms of time
to choose - kitchen, bath or perhaps something
and money and can cause some disruption to
smaller and less invasive? That's where Haller
your everyday life for a period of time. However,
comes in. After years of helping homeowners
the rate of return on a kitchen or bathroom
complete projects, we found that, if you can only
remodel, both emotionally and financially, is
do one big project, there are a few key items to
always worth it.
consider before making that final choice.
by Rob Leed
Custom Design & Sales
R&A Magazine - Summer 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of R&A Magazine - Summer 2020
Table of Contents
R&A Magazine - Summer 2020 - 1
R&A Magazine - Summer 2020 - 2
R&A Magazine - Summer 2020 - Table of Contents
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R&A Magazine - Summer 2020 - 19-REV
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