R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 30

the quest
for a



or most in the market, finding the perfect forever
home takes perserverance and patience. In the
case of this article's homeowners, they exhibited
both-and lots of it!

For over 10 years, the couple were on the hunt. They considered numerous new home and existing home locations but
none were all that appealing. Eventually they did find a lot
that they could build on and hired the Lititz-based home design team, Quality Design & Drafting Services-led by owner
Kevin Bollinger-to design the plans. As those plans were
in development, however, the couple switched gears and
asked their design team to transform their existing home.
Although not the larger piece of property they were looking
for, the existing home's neighborhood location was a better
fit for them than the lot they had purchased. As those plans
were taking shape, the homeowners started looking at
building contractors and were introduced to Kevin's brother,

Darryl Bollinger, Owner and President of Middle Creek
Builders. As many R&A Magazine followers will recognize,
Middle Creek Builders is a family-run custom home builder
and remodeler based in Ephrata who have completed some
very impressive projects over the years, many of which this
magazine has showcased.
As you'll learn from the quotes throughout this article, the
homeowners were impressed with Darryl and his Middle
Creek staff and felt such a strong connection that they immediatley hired them to take on the transformation of their
What the couple didn't know at the time however, was that
a beautiful home on a choice lot in an ideal location was
about to come to their attention that would, once again,
scuttle their plans. As they explained " the property and its
mature landscaping was absolutely beautiful " .


R&A Magazine - Winter 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of R&A Magazine - Winter 2021

R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 1
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 2
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - Contents
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 4
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 5
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 6
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 7
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 8
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 9
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 10
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 11
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 12
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 13
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 14
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 15
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 16
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 17
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 18
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 19
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 20
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 21
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 22
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 23
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 24-REV
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 25
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 26
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 27
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 28
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 29
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 30
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 31
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 32
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 33
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 34
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R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 37
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 38
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 39
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 40
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 41
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 42
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 43
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 44
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R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 46
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R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 48
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 49
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 50
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 51
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 52
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 53
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