CONTRACTOR: FLOOR PLAN L.H. CONSTRUCTION " FOR ALL YOUR CONSTRUCTION NEEDS " OFFICE PHONE: (717)-656-2124 INFO@LHCONTRACTOR.COM PROPOSED PLAN FOR: DAVE & BARBARA YAMARICK ADDRESS: 205 REEDER ROAD HONEY BROOK, PA E A G L EE N G I N E E R I N G MITCH WEAVER - ENGINEER OFFICE: (717)-723-9432 RICK CE SCALE: DATE: AS MARKED REVISED: 3/11/2021 ENGINEER'S NOTES 3/31/2021 TOWNSHIP NOTES 4/19/2021 TOWNSHIP NOTES 3/3/2021 The three doorways in the back lead into the original farmhouse. What looks like a solid wooden beam is actually steel that was clad in beam lumber salvaged from a 100-year old barn. " D ue to the scope of the project, we felt we would need to vacate the property for several months. Although LHC promised they would minimize the time, we felt we should be prepared and bought a fifth wheel camper to house us and our two dogs. LHC's skill and planning was so well thought out, we never spent a single night in the camper. And, it was less than two weeks that I was without a functioning kitchen. DRAWING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 3 OF 8 Homeowner, Barbara Andersen Windows & Doors, Lumber, Cedar Shakes & Trim Package: MUSSELMAN LUMBER