Looking for the Kitchen, Bath, Office, Entertainment or Hobby Center of Your Dreams? Publisher/Editor: Patrick Kiely PA025192 Manufacturer of Fine Quality Handcrafted Custom Cabinetry R&A Magazine is a free-consumer publication dedicated to providing valuable home improvement information to Lancaster County's current and future homeowners. The magazine is published quarterly and can be found in numerous locations throughout Lancaster County. For an up-to-date listing, visit us online at RandAMagazine.com. In addition to being in print, R&A Magazine is also available in a fullscale digital edition available online at RandAMagazine.com. R&A Magazine is proud to have the endorsement of the Building Industry Association of Lancaster County--an organization dedicated to maintaining high professional standards and sound business practices among its builder and remodeler members. Call us for an appointment today! 717.625.4456 Contributed articles and opinions are the responsibility of the authors and do not imply an opinion of R&A Magazine. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Advertise/Contact R&A Magazine, LLC 1653 Lititz Pike #218 Lancaster PA 17601 Remodeling or new construction, our experienced sales and design staff will help plan and design your cabinetry needs. Our highly skilled craftsmen will create your fine quality handcrafted custom cabinetry right here in our Lititz facility. We also offer several lines of stock cabinetry. 740 Rothsville Road, Lititz 4 - R&A MAGAZINE SPRING 2024 ▪ www.RedRoseCabinetry.com 717.519.7986 info@RandAMagazine.com RandAMagazine.com ©2024 R&A Magazine LLC All rights reserved.http://www.RandAMagazine.com http://www.RandAMagazine.com http://www.RandAMagazine.com http://www.RedRoseCabinetry.com