SAN ANTONIO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION Product Service Council Policy (Revised 11-6-2014) C. To function cooperatively with the SAAA as Associate Members in the development of the multifamily and rental housing industry. The Product Service Council is composed of Associate Members. D. To advocate and encourage the constant improvement of the quality 1. NAME: and quantity of products and services The name of the council shall be San to better implement and facilitate the Antonio Apartment Association Product operation of the multifamily and rental Service Council, shall also be referred to housing industry. as the " PSC " or the " SAAA PSC. " E. To exchange information and expe2. AUTHORIZATION: riences with other local affiliated apartment associations, PSC councils and/or Organization of the PSC has been au- committees and life committees and/ thorized by the Board of Directors of the or councils associated with the Texas San Antonio Apartment Association, Inc. Apartment Association and the National (hereinafter sometimes referred to as Apartment Association. " SAAA " ). F. To disseminate useful information to 3. PURPOSE: all members of SAAA and the Council for education in practical aspects of apartThe policies and guidelines stated here- ment operations and the provision of in shall be for the guidance of the PSC goods and services. and its inter-relationship with the SAAA membership and the various councils G. To promote and subscribe to high and committees functioning by author- professional standards and sound busiity of the Board of Directors of SAAA and ness practices for the best interest of Bylaws of the SAAA. the apartment industry and the general public. 4. OBJECTIVES: H. To promote the development of new The objectives of the PSC shall be: members in SAAA. A. To advance the general welfare of 5. MEMBERSHIP: the multifamily and rental housing indus- The membership of PSC shall be comtry. prised of all Associate members of SAAA. B. To develop a strong relationship within the multi-family and rental housing industry between the companies which supply goods and/or services and owner/management professionals of the multifamily and rental housing industry. 6. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: A. The PSC shall be governed by the PSC Board of Directors ( " PSC Board " ). The PSC Board shall be given general supervision of the activities and business affairs of the PSC, provided such general