7. DUTIES OF DIRECTORS: A. The PSC President shall preside at all meetings of the PSC Board and the annual meeting of the Council and shall perform all duties pertaining to the office. B. The President of the PSC shall be the official representative of the PSC and shall act as the President of the PSC and shall give a report monthly (or as requested) to the Board of Directors of SAAA. C. The President-Elect shall perform all duties of the President in case of absence or inability of the President to serve. The President-Elect shall serve on the PSC Board and shall perform all duties assigned to that office or as directed by the President. D. The Vice President shall serve on the PSC Board and shall perform all the duties of the President-Elect in case of absence or inability of the President-Elect to serve. E. The Secretary of the PSC shall keep records for all the regular and special meetings of the PSC Board and perform such other duties as are customary to the office. F. The PSC President shall appoint all chairs of any event coordinated by the PSC and will assign members of the PSC to each event. 8. BUDGET: The PSC shall operate and adhere to budgetary items which may be authorized by the Board of Directors of SAAA. 9. MEETINGS: PSC shall meet at least one (1) time each year at the PSC's Annual Business meeting. The PSC's Annual business meeting shall be held during the Election of Officers and SAAA meeting of members. The Associate Members present at any Annual or Special Meeting shall constitute a quorum. The majority vote of the members present at any such meeting shall control any action taken. The President shall publish adequate notice of any called Special Meeting. 10. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The PSC Nominating Committee shall consist of the following members: the current PSC President, the current PSC President-Elect, two (2) Past PSC Presidents and an Owner Director or Officer of the SAAA Board selected by the PSC President. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed at least sixty (60) days prior to the PSC Annual Meeting of members and shall present a slate of Officers and Directors for election at the PSC Annual Meeting 11. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: The election of PSC Officers and Directors slated by the nominating Committee shall take place at the PSC Annual Meeting to be held during the Election of Officers and SAAA Annual Meeting. 12. AMENDMENTS: The policies and guidelines as herein set forth may be amended by majority vote of the PSC Board, subject to approval of the Board of Directors of the SAAA.