Cybersecurity Fig. 1: O-RAN overall logical architecture. advantages, particularly in terms of connectivity and compatibility. Open interfaces facilitate multi-vendor cooperative deployments, thus enabling a more competitive and vibrant supplier system. Network efficiency and performance are also improved through RAN automation. O-RAN makes it easy to import new network capability via easy software upgrades. Its native cloud infrastructures provide more flexibility and eliminate the reliance on a single vendor for all aspects of RAN implementation and optimization. All those benefits are realized due to the open-source architecture. Historically, open source was predominantly in small applications. O-RAN expands the open architecture to the network scale. Open networks also introduce many more players with limited experience in the wireless space. Because O-RAN allows off-theshelf hardware and open-source software from multiple vendors, increased opportunities for cyber breaches that compromise security are created. Cybersecurity obstacles The responsibility for cybersecurity lies both with OEMs and Tier 1s. That is the case for all wireless testing, not just security. More OEMs have become proactive and are conducting tests upon receipt of the systems being integrated into the vehicle, as the software running in the vehicle and the hardware architecture of the vehicle are important for cybersecurity. This is particularly true when it comes to AVs. Testing takes on additional importance at all levels of the ecosystem due to these advances. It is one thing for the system to meet specification as a stand-alone product, quite another when it is integrated into a vehicle environment. There must be testing to ensure there is no interference and/or mechanisms within the network that can serve as a back door for cyber criminals to enter. As an open-source architecture, there are myriad of potential configurations by countless manufacturers. All need to be tested for security. Ensuring they are not AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE ENGINEERING July 2022 15 Anritsu