SAE NEWS TECH FOCUS: CybErSECUriTy " Cybersecurity-related threats will continue to be a global risk for all business - and they will not be going away. " -Mark Zachos WHAT iN THiS SECTiON 4 What is cybersecurity? 9 All about cybersecurity 10 Risk Management for Cyber Physical Systems in SAE JA7496 - CPSSEP 12 Keep in the know about cybersecurity 14 Cybersecurity has never been more important 16 SAE helps settle the score on cybersecurity 4 May 2022 A person gaining physical access to a single vehicle is bad, but nefarious actors gaining wireless access to a fleet of vehicles is far more worrisome. AbOUT THE AUTHOr Mark Zachos, president of DG Technologies, wrote this article for Update. He serves on various SAE standards committees related to cybersecurity and is the 2022 chair of the SAE Detroit Section. UPDATE CyberTruck Challenge