SAE NEwSAE NEw SAE President Sri Srinath delivers the opening/welcome address at the June 21 kickoff of the " CO2 Reduction for Transportation Systems Conference - The Road to Decarbonization, " which was hosted by the SAE Turin Section and the italian Association of the Automotive industry. Srinath (middle) also visited PUNCH Torino, a company with the mission of leading the engineering of innovative propulsion and control systems in turnkey solutions. italian sections offers benvenuto to SAE President In his first overseas trip to retain tight bonds between SAE International and the organization's far-flung global chapters, President Sri Srinath in May took part in various activities with leaders of the SAE Naples and SAE Turin Sections in Italy. His first activity was the Turin Section's June 21-22 " CO2 Reduction for Transportation Systems Conference - The Road to Decarbonization. " He spoke to those gathered for about a half hour as the event's opening speaker and also exchanged ideas with many section members and industry representatives oneon-one. This was the fourth such conference, which is hosted in even-numbered years by 2 August 2022 the Turin Section and in odd-numbered years by the Naples Section. Proceeding to the Naples Section, Srinath met with SAE leaders in that city and enjoyed a special afternoon with graduate students at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili (STEMS). Dr. Eng. Ezio Mancaruso, Senior Researcher at STEMS, wrote the following note to Srinath following his visit: " It is always an honor and a pleasure to host the President of SAE International and his delegation in STEMS institute and in our beautiful city. The success of the visit is the result of UPDATE SAE International SAE International