P22935210 P21710638 Executive Leader ship Provided By: Register Today to Save September 20-22, 2022 | Indianapolis, Indi ana COMVEC Networking and Career Building Connect with peers and colleagues in exclusive networking events and activities that will help you forge your way as an industry leader for years to come. Young Professional Networking Event Cost: $20 Registration Required. Limited Capacity. Play darts, bonzini, ping pong and bowling with your fellow young professionals at Punch Bowl Social in the heart of Indianapolis. Ride-n-Drive Event at Allison Transmission Cost: $25 Registration Required. Includes transportation and lunch. Join participating companies as they showcase new technologies and infrastructure that are driving the industry forward - with a lineup of mid-size through Class 8 autonomous and electric vehicles to off-highway equipment. sae.org/comvechttps://sae.org/comvec