Sensors & Applications for Battery Production capaNCDT Precise thickness measurement scanCONTROL Capacitive sensors are used for inline thickness measurements of battery films. Due to their high temperature stability, these sensors are ideal for dry coating processes. The measuring spot of the sensors is larger than those of the optical methods, which averages out any anomalies on the surface. Measuring the thickness of wet layers confocalDT Position control of battery cells After the battery cells have been assembled, laser scanners from Micro-Epsilon inspect their completeness and position. These precise profile sensors generate a 3D image which is then compared with the CAD data. Confocal chromatic sensors from Micro-Epsilon monitor the coating thickness of wet materials. These sensors provide both extremely high resolution and high measuring rates. Installing several sensors next to each other enables concurrent determination of the homogeneity of the coating over the complete strip width. Raleigh, NC 27617 / USA · Phone +1/919 787 9707 · Free Info at CONTACT US