MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 21

powertrain instead of a traditional ICE. "
With our car being a hybrid where the
electric motor and I.C.E. both provide power to
the rear wheels, " it is crucial that both those
systems run flawlessly to provide maximum
performance, " Jones continued. " That was
shown during the Endurance Event where our
hybrid vehicle could put up lap times that were
comparable to fully electric vehicles and
sometimes even faster, but could outlast
electric vehicles during the 44 km. "
" I know there have been many members of
the Wyoming Motorsports club throughout the
years who have said that during their interviews
for either summer internships or jobs after
graduation, the interviewer was more interested
in our club than any relevant coursework. We
pride ourselves on providing engineering
students an excellent way of gaining hands-on
experience and developing critical thinking skills
by designing and building every system on our
car. All of these members have attributed their
association with Wyoming Motorsports as a
critical factor of their success. " Said Lawrence
Tech team co-captain Andrew Bartman: " We hit
all our goals and we improved drastically in all
the events. This year was a lot more competitive
than last year, coming off COVID. "
Bartman graduated May 6 with a bachelor's
degree in mechanical engineering.
" I've been going to school with these people
for years, " he told MOMENTUM. " We've pulled a
lot of all-nighters, and you build a lot of close
relationships. It's fun now to see everybody
moving on to really cool positions in industry. "
Team faculty advisor Hamid Vejdani, assistant
professor of mechanical, robotics, and industrial
engineering, said of the team: " I am very happy
with the result. We have been having steady
progress since launching the Formula Electric
team in 2018 and I am happy with the trend. LTU
foresaw the importance of the EV industry and
preparing our students for that back then, and
now we are clearly ahead of the curve. "
This year was the first that the team from
University of Toronto fielded an EV car. It
debuted at the 2023 Formula Hybrid & Electric
competition and finished first in the EV Class.
" That was our first overall win at any
competition since 2006. To have it be our first
competition with our first electric car inspired so
much confidence, " said team captain Daniel
Not long after this competition, the team
went on to place 5th overall at Formula SAE
Electric. n
The University of Wyoming car coming out on top.
September 2023 21
The victorious University of Toronto team posing with its EV Class 1st-place trophy.
Competition organizer Mike Chapman stands at far left, top row.
Click above to hear what student participants say and to see the action on and off track.
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth

MOMENTUM - September 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MOMENTUM - September 2023

MOMENTUM - September 2023 - Cov1
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - Cov2
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 1
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 2
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 3
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 4
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 5
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 6
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 7
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 8
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 9
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 10
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 11
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 12
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 13
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 14
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 15
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 16
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 17
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 18
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 19
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 20
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 21
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 22
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 23
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 24
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 25
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 26
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 27
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 28
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 29
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 30
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 31
MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 32
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MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 35
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MOMENTUM - September 2023 - 37