SAE Update - March 2023 - 62

SAE International Bylaws
business of SAE and may appoint such committees,
and/or agents as it may consider necessary.
Section 5.2 - Eligibility
Only voting members of SAE are eligible to be
nominated and elected as members of the Board.
Section 5.3 - Composition and Voting Status
The Board shall be composed of up to twelve (12)
voting members. The voting members of the Board
shall consist of the President & Chair of the Board,
Vice President - Aerospace, Vice President -
Automotive, Vice President - Commercial Vehicle,
Treasurer, Immediate Past President, President
Elect, Chief Executive Officer and the Directors-atLarge.
The Secretary is a non-voting member of the
Board. (09/09/2020)
Section 5.4 - Manner of Nominations and Election
The Nominating Committee (NC) shall select the
nominees for President & Chair of the Board, Sector
Vice President, Treasurer, and Directors-at-Large to
be elected by the voting members. (09/09/2020)
Section 5.5 - Appointments
The Board shall appoint a Chief Executive Officer
and, upon nomination by the Chief Executive Officer,
a Secretary. (10/06/2015)
Section 5.6 - Terms of Office
Board members shall hold office for their elected or
appointed term, commencing with the convening of
the organizing meeting of the new Board after their
election or appointment, or until their earlier death,
resignation, or removal. (10/03/2012)
The President & Chair of the Board shall serve a
one (1) year term and shall not be eligible for
re-election. Additionally, the President & Chair shall
serve a one (1) year term as President-Elect
immediately preceding the presidential term of office
and a one (1) year terms as
The Immediate Past President shall serve a one (1)
year term immediately following the presidential term
of office. (10/06/2015)
The Sector Vice Presidents shall each serve a three
(3) year term as vice president immediately followed
by a one (1) year term as a director-at-large. The
election of the Sector Vice Presidents will be
staggered, electing one (1) Sector Vice President for
September 2020
a respective industry sector each year. The Sector
Vice Presidents shall not be eligible for re-election to
the same office for a second term.
The Treasurer and Directors-at-Large shall each
serve a two (2) year term with a possible, additional
two (2) year term (for a total maximum term of four
(4) years) if agreed to by the Board (acting through
the then-current Chair) and the respective Treasurer
or Director-at-Large and is eligible for re-election for
another two (2) year term. (10/06/2015)
The Directors-at-Large shall each serve a four (4)
year term and shall not be eligible for immediate reelection;
provided, however, that a Director-at-Large
nominated to serve as a Board Officer may be
elected to an additional term as a Director-at-Large
that is coterminous with the term of the Board Officer
position. (10/06/2015)
Appointment by the Board to fill a vacancy shall not
be considered an election. (04/21/2009)
Section 5.7 - Resignation and Removal
Any Board member may resign by submitting to the
President or the Secretary a written resignation,
which shall become effective upon its receipt or at
any later time specified therein, and, unless
specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation
shall not be necessary to make it effective.
The Board shall adopt a policy governing the
removal of Board members, upon written notice, for
improper conduct, failure to attend Board meetings,
or other reasons as proscribed by the Board.
Section 5.8 - Vacancies in the Board
Any vacancy among the members of the Board by
reason of death, resignation, removal,
disqualification, disability, or other cause may be
filled for the unexpired term by the majority vote of
the remaining members of the Board, even though
less than a quorum. The person selected to fill the
vacancy shall be selected from among the voting
members; provided, however, that a vacancy in the
office of President & Chair of the Board shall be
filled by a person selected from among the other
Board members. The Board may declare any
elective office vacant on the failure of its incumbent
to perform the duties of the office.
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SAE Update - March 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SAE Update - March 2023

SAE Update - March 2023 - Cov1
SAE Update - March 2023 - Cov2
SAE Update - March 2023 - 1
SAE Update - March 2023 - 2
SAE Update - March 2023 - 3
SAE Update - March 2023 - 4
SAE Update - March 2023 - 5
SAE Update - March 2023 - 6
SAE Update - March 2023 - 7
SAE Update - March 2023 - 8
SAE Update - March 2023 - 9
SAE Update - March 2023 - 10
SAE Update - March 2023 - 11
SAE Update - March 2023 - 12
SAE Update - March 2023 - 13
SAE Update - March 2023 - 14
SAE Update - March 2023 - 15
SAE Update - March 2023 - 16
SAE Update - March 2023 - 17
SAE Update - March 2023 - 18
SAE Update - March 2023 - 19
SAE Update - March 2023 - 20
SAE Update - March 2023 - 21
SAE Update - March 2023 - 22
SAE Update - March 2023 - 23
SAE Update - March 2023 - 24
SAE Update - March 2023 - 25
SAE Update - March 2023 - 26
SAE Update - March 2023 - 27
SAE Update - March 2023 - 28
SAE Update - March 2023 - 29
SAE Update - March 2023 - 30
SAE Update - March 2023 - 31
SAE Update - March 2023 - 32
SAE Update - March 2023 - 33
SAE Update - March 2023 - 34
SAE Update - March 2023 - 35
SAE Update - March 2023 - 36
SAE Update - March 2023 - 37
SAE Update - March 2023 - 38
SAE Update - March 2023 - 39
SAE Update - March 2023 - 40
SAE Update - March 2023 - 41
SAE Update - March 2023 - 42
SAE Update - March 2023 - 43
SAE Update - March 2023 - 44
SAE Update - March 2023 - 45
SAE Update - March 2023 - 46
SAE Update - March 2023 - 47
SAE Update - March 2023 - 48
SAE Update - March 2023 - 49
SAE Update - March 2023 - 50
SAE Update - March 2023 - 51
SAE Update - March 2023 - 52
SAE Update - March 2023 - 53
SAE Update - March 2023 - 54
SAE Update - March 2023 - 55
SAE Update - March 2023 - 56
SAE Update - March 2023 - 57
SAE Update - March 2023 - 58
SAE Update - March 2023 - 59
SAE Update - March 2023 - 60
SAE Update - March 2023 - 61
SAE Update - March 2023 - 62
SAE Update - March 2023 - 63
SAE Update - March 2023 - 64
SAE Update - March 2023 - 65
SAE Update - March 2023 - 66
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SAE Update - March 2023 - 70