TECH FOCUS TECH FOCUS: VEHiCLE DyNAMiCS AND NVH By NAME, info " The big development is the growth of EVs. They present a unique technical challenge with different noise sources, transfer paths, and customer expectations. " -James K. Thompson, Ph.D. For the new RZ 450e sedan, Lexus used different materials to strengthen the body and guard against NVH. iN THiS SECTiON 12 SAE Noise and Vibration Conference fast approaching 14 Analysis of the vehicle dynamics behind Pure Pursuit and Stanley Controllers 16 SAE journal special issue focuses on controlling vehicle motion 20 The book on vehicle dynamics 21 25 years and counting for SAE's Noise Academy 12 May 2023 SAE NOISE AND VIBRATION CONFERENCE FAST APPROACHING The number of days grows smaller for SAE's Noise and Vibration Conference, which is being co-located and in partnership with Noise-Con. To register for the May 15-18 event in Grand Rapids, Mich., click here. UPDATE Lexus