TECH FOCUS: TECH FOCUS: TESTiNg By NAME, info A never-ending challenge for engineers is the fact that vehicles are safety-critical systems, and malfunctions or maliciously triggered unexpected behavior can be fatal. " Considering recent developments and future trends, it is expected that a vehicle in the near future will contain 1 billion lines of code. " -Nico Vinzenz and Dennis Kengo Oka By MiCHAEL LEigHTON, AVL. Read more about the author at the end of the article. iN THiS SECTiON 10 Validation program for electrified powertrain vibration testing based on vehicle class 14 Novel virtual testing method for front camera module 16 Fuzz testing for security 10 August 2023 At AVL LIST GmbH, we offer validation as a consulting service. While selection and application of standards to a validation plan is an extensive task, it does not fully optimize the validation process for a specific product or application. We are extending our previous experiences in tailoring validation to an application by taking a closer look at the variations that UPDATE VALIDATION PROGR ELECTRIFIED POWER TESTING BASED ON