Executive Leadership Provided By: Sep t ember 19 -2 1 , 2023 | Schaumbu r g , I l l i no is TM S u s t a i n a bi l i t y : T h e N e w F r onti e r f or I n n o v a ti on Collaborate With CV Experts and Leaders Through Special Events and Networking Opportunities. Network With the CV Community Whether it's morning coff ee, mid-day lunches and breaks, or cocktails at the end of the day, you'll have plenty of chances to network with colleagues on the exhibit fl oor. COMVEC also off ers special daily networking opportunities for young and emerging professionals. SAE COMVEC Powertrain & Defense Dinner and Tech Presentation Held by the SAE Chicago & Indiana Section, along with the SAE Powertrain Committee, make plans to join us the evening before COMVEC for the section event, dinner and networking. Registration Required. Limited Capacity. Register Today to Save SAE members can save up to $400 on a full conference package! sae.org/comvechttps://sae.org/comvec