TECH FOCUS: MATEriAlS renewable diesel offers drop-in solution for decarbonization Neste's renewable diesel can reduce NOx by up to 98% for post-2010/Tier 4 engines. Renewable diesel (RD) fuels represent an opportunity to decarbonize on- and offhighway diesel ICE vehicles with a minimal investment in infrastructure and little-to-no disruption of current fleet operations. However, market acceptance of these fuels has been slow in locations where legislation has not mandated their widespread use. SAE Media Group recently interviewed Matt Leuck, technical manager at Neste and current SAE member, to discuss the benefits of RD for fleets and engine suppliers in terms of reducing greenhouse gases, the feasibility of supplying renewable fuel with the current infrastructure, and the cost-offsets that RD 18 April 2024 offers in terms of engine performance and reduced maintenance. Why do you see rD as the best alternative for a sustainable fuel source? The future will need all solutions; nobody is going to solve the decarbonization puzzle with a silver bullet. Hydrogen is a hard molecule to work with and there are also transportation concerns. Then there's the debate between hydrogen being used for combustion or just transfer of energy. There's a lot of forks in the road for that fuel. Looking at the battery side, you've got not only the infrastructure needed, but also the total power demand. This is especially UPDATE Neste