PUBLICATIONS What sets Jet Sense apart is its unwavering focus on the interplay of geometry and integration, from wing design to landing gear integration and more. This book doesn't just analyze: it guides, helping you navigate the complex world of jet transport design. Discover Zarir's innovative approach to initial sizing, tailored for commercial aircraft. Bid farewell to onesize-fits-all solutions and welcome a design philosophy aligned with market needs. Whether you're in single-aisle workhorses or long-haul twinaisle giants, Jet Sense is your essential companion. Zarir's wealth of meticulously gathered data ensures you work with trusted solutions. Jet Sense is your ultimate resource for commercial aircraft design, a must-have for every designer. Whether you're a pilot, SAE SmartBrief Today's transportation headlines from 50+ verified media sites. One email direct to your inbox. A daily, quick read 5x per week. SUBSCRIBE NOW to stay in the know UPDATE April 2024 45 NEW! Sustainable Mobility Job Listings