CONTENTS VOLUME 41 ISSUE 6 18 SAE & Member News 2 SAE Foundation's 2023 report shows the power of community 4 Mobility industry's highest honors presented during WCX 6 Fellowship nominations close soon Member Benefits 9 What's happening in Connexion+ TECH FOCUS: SUSTAiNABlE MOBiliTy 10 Sustainable Mobility Solutions and the quest for net-zero emission transportation 14 Building a sustainable future at Pittsburgh international Airport 18 Slip on a banana peel? Maybe not 21 A sustainable world needs sustainable tires 24 Transforming transportation with data-driven tools Standards & Committees 36 SAE J3108/1 as an identification method for alternative fuel vehicles 41 Truck and Bus Aerodynamics and Fuel Economy Committee seeks experts Publications 44 Sustainable book spotlights 48 The U.S. needs more engineers: A BCG x SAE white paper 52 Textiles: The new ore Professional Development 56 EVSE tech certification: Ideal for a changing workforce 60 Bite-sized courses for busy professionals Advertising 63 Classified advertising 34 Engineering Events 30 Plan to attend 32 Call for papers 34 JetToy Competition sparks joy, lifelong interest in STEM 52 On the cover Sustainability isn't just a marketing buzzword: it's the mobility industry's greatest challenge to date. Shutterstock/Avigator Fortuner UPDATE June 2024 1