STANDARDS & COMMITTEES Pyrometry standard updated with greater clarity and real examples AMS2750 is a key industry specification that outlines pyrometry requirements for thermal processing equipment. 38 September 2024 SAE International's AMS B Committee on Finishes, Processes, and Fluids completed the latest revision of AMS2750, Pyrometry, with Revision H being published in mid-July. This revision is the result of a twoyear review and subsequent update. The revision includes making the one-year extension permitted in AMS2750G for compliance with the 0.1 °F (0.1 °C) recording requirement now a permanent requirement. Revision H updated the requirement for radiation TUS so that it is now required only when specified by the applicable material and/or process specification. Additionally, this revision has made numerous clarifications and added examples to aid the user. Doug Shuler, the sponsor of this document revision, reflected on the latest revision to AMS2750: " Ever wonder, how do I know what I don't know? Get AMS2750 Rev H and see the gray areas come into focus. AMS2750 UPDATE Shutterstock/Tayyare