Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 22

bonding agent able to meet demanding
requirements for adhesion, thermal
performance, and long-term stability.
Using Master Bond EP21TDC-2LO,
scientists created a heat-exchange
condenser design able to survive
intense internal pressure associated with
CO2 thermal cycling while exhibiting
required thermal conductivity and bond
strength between dissimilar materials
exposed to the extremes of space.
This article was contributed
by Master Bond (Hackensack,
NJ). For more information, visit
1 Gargiulo, AMS-02 presentation, TALENT
Summer School , CERN, 4 June 2013.
most flexible epoxies, it passes
NASA low outgassing test criteria.
With a service range of 4K to
+250 °F, it is particularly well suited
to bonding applications that need to
maintain integrity in harsh environments.
Its ability to withstand thermal and
Jupiter Moons Explorer
Toulouse, France
+33 6 34 78 14 08
n July 14, 2023 the Jupiter ICy
moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft
achieved successful lift-off from an
Ariane 5 rocket en route to Jupiter. The
European Space Agency (ESA) team at
the European Space Operations Centre
(ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany, took
control of the spacecraft and confirmed
reception of the first telemetry and the
smooth deployment of the solar arrays.
Bringing together 80 partners across 23
countries and harnessing the brainpower
of 2,000+ people, Airbus has designed
and built JUICE under an ESA contract.
On its over 5 billion kilometer
long journey, the 6.2 tonne JUICE
spacecraft will make a series of flybys
of Callisto, Ganymede and Europa,
collecting data to try to understand
22 JULY 2023
whether there is any possibility that
the moons and their subsurface oceans
could host microbial life. Carrying 10
state-of-the-art scientific instruments,
including cameras, spectrometers, an
ice-penetrating radar, an altimeter, a
radio-science experiment, a particle
package and various magnetic and
electric field sensors, the JUICE
spacecraft will complete a unique
4-year tour of the Jupiter system.
JUICE is due to arrive at Jupiter in 2031
after a series of gravity slingshots from
Venus and Earth to propel it on its way.
For more information, visit
mechanical stress in those environments
make Master Bond EP21TDC-2LO
the bonding agent of choice in many
military and aerospace applications.
The cooling system integral to the
success of the multi-billion-dollar AMS2
experimental package required a
2 van Es, et al., AMS-02 Tracker Thermal
Control System Overview And Spin-Off
For Future Spacecraft Cooling System
Developments, 60th International Astronautical
Federation Congress, IAC-09.C2.7.1, 2009.
3 Alberti, et al., Development of a Thermal
Control System with Mechanically Pumped
CO2 Two-Phase Loops for the AMS-02
Tracker on the ISS, ArXiv:1302.4294, 2013.

Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023

Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - Cov1
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - Cov2
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 1
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 2
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 3
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 4
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Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 6
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